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  • To carry out research in order to understand general human behaviors, clinical and social problems related to psychology and psychiatry, to develop practices that will strengthen health at the individual and community level, to develop effective treatment methods and to develop psychosocial intervention and improvement methods by collaborating with other scientific research centers working in this field.
  • Developing projects to meet all kinds of needs of oncology patients, establishing health facilities and institutions, transplantation centers and research centers, laboratories, universities and higher education centers where these patients will be treated. To conduct scientific, economic, social and cultural researches with public and private institutions and organizations with the aim of researching cancer diseases and finding new treatment methods.
  • To establish facilities to produce all kinds of medical devices, drugs and materials used in oncology patients, and to support the activities in line with the purpose of the foundation through working groups or partnerships it will establish with the people or organizations that make this production.
  • Carrying out necessary scientific research to understand and identify the processes that are effective in the emergence and persistence of psychiatric and psychological difficulties that are the focus of clinical attention. To create comprehensive databases on these processes, to develop innovative and effective treatment methods and to carry out studies for the application of these methods.
  • To better understand and improve human behavior at the level of individual, family, group, institution and society in line with scientific principles. To conduct research on the improvement of behaviors in these areas and to establish centers to carry out these researches.
  • Establishing a research and application center, university, higher education centers and institutes that will enable the research of new, alternative methods and treatment methods by developing new philosophical, theoretical and practical approaches in the field of psychology and psychiatry sciences. To support the research activities of the students and researchers in these established centers, or in universities and other educational institutions serving these purposes, in order to complete their basic and advanced education, both at home and abroad. 
  • To establish structures that will provide services for the treatment of individuals with psychiatric and oncological difficulties in the community. To establish private clinics, hospitals, nursing homes, rehabilitation centers for individuals who cannot be treated in the community or who need special care, and to provide their treatment through these to-be-established centers. Developing and implementing projects to provide psychosocial and economic support to the relatives of these individuals.
  • To provide care for the elderly and those in need of care. To establish nursing homes to meet their needs.
  • To raise awareness of people with psychiatric disorders in society and to engage in social activities to reduce stigmatizing attitudes towards these people.