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Protecting Psychological Health in an Earthquake

● In this process, you may have feelings such as sadness, anxiety, fear, worry, guilt, shame, and thoughts about them. They are a natural part of this process and point to what you care about.
● During this period, your eating and sleeping patterns may be disrupted. There may be a decrease or increase in your desire to eat and sleep. It is normal for this situation to continue for a while, do not force yourself and those around you unless it becomes harmful.
● By remembering that not everyone reacts the same to a challenging situation, you can be more understanding towards yourself and your surroundings.
● Constantly following the news and the media can increase your compelling feelings and thoughts, as well as prevent you from acting on the things you care about. You can really use your energy to do something (charity activities, volunteering, getting together with the community, activities for your beliefs, etc.). It will be enough to follow the news enough to know what's going on from sources you trust.
● When posting through social media and other communication channels, consider the accuracy, credibility of the content and how it will affect other people.
● Avoid using sentences that arouse negative feelings such as hopelessness, anxiety, fear, and increase the separation in the society. Remember, the disaster affected people of all races/religions/languages.
● When talking about disaster in daily life, avoid detailed descriptions, negative and disturbing examples, and victim-blaming statements.
● People need people. Spend time with your loved ones, share your mutual feelings.
● Remember, kindness heals.